State of Connecticut
Benefit Information

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Active Employee Pharmacy

For assistance locating a pharmacy near you, prescription denials or copay questions, speak with a personal Care Coordinator at 833-740-3258 or CVS at 800-318-2572, or visit

Pharmacy coverage

Prescriptions will be filled automatically with a generic drug if one is available.
  • If your doctor believes a non-preferred brand-name drug is medically necessary for you, they must complete the Coverage EXCEPTION REQUEST FORM and fax it to CVS Caremark. If approved, you will pay the preferred brand copay amount.
  • If you request a brand-name drug instead of a generic alternative without obtaining a Coverage Exception Request Form, you will pay the generic drug copay PLUS the difference in cost between the brand and generic drug.

Certain chronic or genetic conditions require special pharmacy products, often injected or infused. Pharmacies include Hartford Healthcare, University of Connecticut Health Center, Yale New Haven Health, and CVS Specialty Drug Pharmacy, offering expert support and resources to meet your unique medication needs. To learn more or explore these options, call (800) 237-2767.

The current preferred drug list is chosen because of their clinical effectiveness and safety. The list can be viewed on the Quarterly Performance Drug List

The CVS Caremark Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee adjusts this list quarterly as new generics become available, new clinical studies have been released, new brand-name drugs become available, etc. This list is typically updated every three months and promotes the use of preferred brand-name and generic drugs whenever possible.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires generic drugs to be therapeutically equivalent to a brand-name drug in dosage, strength, route of administration, quality, performance, and intended use. Generally, generic drugs cost less than brand-name drugs.

When you fill a prescription for a specialty drug, you will automatically be enrolled in a PrudentRx program that reduces your out of pocket cost to $0. You can choose to opt out of this program during Open Enrollment. Opt out form

A maintenance drug is a prescription commonly used to treat chronic or long-term conditions, like high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, and diabetes. If you or a family member takes a maintenance drug, you can get the first 30-day supply of new medication at any participating pharmacy; however, a 90-day supply will be required for refills.
  • Fill your medication at a pharmacy that participates in the State’s Maintenance Drug Network (see the LIST OF PARTICIPATING PHARMACIES) or
  • Receive your medication through the CVS Caremark mail-order pharmacy. For more information, call CVS at 1-800-318-2572.
To request an exemption for the patient to continue receiving 30 days’ supply, have your provider complete the MANDATORY MAIL EXCEPTION FORM.

If your Weight Management Medication was denied at the pharmacy click here for more information.

A denied prescription may occur due to the following circumstances:
  • Refilling a medication too soon
  • Specialty drugs require a specialty drug pharmacy
  • Drug quantity limits exist
  • Compound medication; not commercially available
If your prescription requires a revision, CVS Caremark will mail instructions to you and to the prescriber. Your prescriber may need to complete a Prior Authorization Form for formulary-covered drugs, or if the drug is not on the current preferred drug list, you will need to submit a Coverage Exception Request Form.

PHARMACY cost comparisons

Prescription benefits are the same across all medical plans. There is a 4-tier copay structure. The amount you pay depends on whether your prescription is for a generic drug, a brand-name drug listed on CVS Caremark’s preferred drug list (the formulary), or a non-preferred brand-name drug.

Prescription Copay

Prescription DrugsNon-Maintenance Drug
(Up to 90-day supply)
Maintenance Drug
(90-day supply)
HEP Enrolled Chronic Conditions
Tier 1: Preferred generic$5$5$0
Tier 2: Non-preferred generic$10$10$0
Tier 3: Preferred brand-name$25$25$5
Tier 4: Non-preferred brand-name$40*$40*$12.50

*$25 if your physician certified the non-preferred brand-name drug is medically necessary

Sign in at and use the Check Drug Cost tool to see the cost of your medication(s), plus any lower-cost options. These costs will depend on several factors, including where you are with your deductible.

You will pay 20% of the Rx cost if you use an out-of-network pharmacy. Find a pharmacy near you in the Maintenance Drug Network.

State Employee
Benefits Enrollment