2024 Providers of Distinction Lookup Tool
Call a Care Coordinator at 833-740-3258 for provider phone number and additional information.
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Comprehensive Spine Program (CSP) uses an in-person medical team approach to alleviate neck and back pain - while avoiding unnecessary surgery or prescriptions. Care includes an initial medical evaluation to determine a course of treatment (i.e., physical therapy), then completes with a provider follow-up.
Comprehensive Spine Program Incentives:
- Completing the evaluation and program enrollment: $100
- Completing the prescribed treatment: $200
More information
Phone: (833) 707-7463
UConn Comprehensive Spine Center
More information
Phone: 860-679-6662
Upswing Health is a virtual orthopedic group that provides immediate care for all orthopedic injuries. The Upswing Health care team can assist from the moment of injury through recovery, with information about your condition, guidance on next steps, a personalized rehabilitation plan and referrals to in-person specialists.
More informationPhone: (860) 259-4992
Email: help@upswinghealth.com