State of Connecticut
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Providers of Distinction

The state of Connecticut has identified providers in Connecticut that meet the highest patient care standards for specific procedures and conditions as “Providers of Distinction”. By completing your care with a designated “Provider of Distinction”, you will receive a cash incentive in the mail.

Find a provider with a proven history of excellence for many common procedures.

Enter your zip code, select “Doctor by Specialty” and type in the procedure from the chart below.

How it Works

Use the Find Provider tool to locate CT-based providers flagged as Providers of Distinction with the associated care/procedures listed in the table below.

Almost 500 providers have been designated as Providers of Distinction spanning the state, including onsite and virtual back and spine pain management programs.

About 60 days after your procedure, once insurance processing is complete, a confirmation letter will be mailed to you with steps on how to receive your incentive check. To ensure receipt of earned incentives, contact Human Resources to confirm your current mailing address is on file. Individuals who earn $600 or more in a calendar year from this program will receive a 1099-MISC tax form.

Questions? Contact a Care Coordinator at 833-740-3258.

Important: As of November 15, 2024, the list of eligible procedures and providers has been updated. If you completed a service with a Provider of Distinction, you would receive a confirmation letter with steps to receive the associated incentive in the mail. It can take up to 90 days for claims to be processed. If you believe you earned an incentive and have not received a letter within 6 months of the date of service, contact a Care Coordinator.

Incentives by condition or procedure

To earn an incentive, the provider you choose must be listed as a “Provider of Distinction” in the Find Provider tool.

2024-2025 ProceduresIncentive
Hip Replacement$500
Knee Arthroscopy$150
Knee Replacement and Knee Revision$500
Pregnancy and Delivery (prenatal care)*$250*
Spine pain management**$100**

*Incentive rewarded once per pregnancy.

**$100 incentive is awarded one-time only for completing any one of the three Back and Spine Pain Management programs as listed below.

spine pain management program Options

Visit a “Provider of Distinction” specializing in low back spine care to receive the one-time only $100 incentive. To locate a low back spine care specialist in the Find Provider tool, insert the word “Spine” in the search box.

By completing the clinical spine evaluation at a listed location, you will be eligible to earn the $100 incentive. If you also complete the conservative treatment series (i.e., physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, etc.) with the same provider, you will be eligible for a $200 incentive. Locations are in Enfield, Farmington, Hartford, Rocky Hill, Southington, Simsbury, Storrs, and Waterbury.

Find a location:
  • UConn Health: For Farmington, Simsbury, or Southington, call 860-679-6662, 8am -4:30pm
    • For Storrs location, call 860-487-9200
  • Trinity Health: For Enfield, Hartford, Rocky Hill or Waterbury, call 833-707-7463

Enter your zip code, select “Doctor by Specialty” and type in the procedure from the chart below.

The Providers of Distinction Program Ensures Superior Care and an exceptional patient experience.

To view the various components of the provider quality review, CLICK HERE.
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